Sleeper installation aggregates, gantry cranes and an excavation chain – the SUZW-500 is well equipped for fast track construction.
14 sleepers in just on minute indicate the incredible performance of this machine, which equates to a forward movement of 500 metres an hour.


Progress in terms of tracks and equipment

After taking just one look at the rail-bound fast construction machine SUZW-500 it becomes clear that high-performance is an everyday occurrence for the Wiebe group machine, which combines the installation of sleepers and also the preparation of an installation subgrade along its length of 230 metres.

The SUZW-500 is a successful upgrade of the first generation of fast construction machines; the number 50 stands for the track construction output per hour. Despite its speed, the construction machine works to the highest of quality standards which also impacts on the efficiency of the (re)constructed track system.

Total mass in tonnes


Sleeper installation aggregates

Number of sleepers/minute

Gantry crane

Metres/hour work output

Once special feature: the excavation chain

The fast construction machine SUZW-500 is state-of-the-art. In contrast to conventional construction trains, the installation subgrade is produced using an excavation chain. Here, the excess ballast is picked up and transported backwards inside the train in the direction of work. The ballasts is installed in the area where the new rails have already been positioned on the rail bearings.

The benefits at a glance

  • High-performance fast construction machine with three portal cranes
  • Track construction with forward and subsequent track bed cleaning
  • First rate track quality
  • The subgrade can be created with an excavation chain
  • No impairment of neighbouring tracks
  • Can also be used in tight curves

Technical data

Type of machineRail-bound fast construction machine
ManufacturerPlasser & Theurer
Registration year2011
Total length over buffers153,50 mWith repair- and equipment wagons235,20 m
Width3,29 m
Height4,65 m
Mass631 t
Axles32Powered of those14
Permissible speed in train set100 km/hRun by itself5 km/h


Planable output at track construction400 m/h
Track construction possiblewith preparatory track bed cleaningwith subsequent track bed cleaningwithout track bed cleaningonly change of sleeper bed
Possible tracksUIC 60R65S54S49
Possible sleepers
(Removal 2,30 m - 2,80 m length)
Possible sleepers
(Integration 2,30 m - 2,80 m length)
Excavation chain 3,20 m
Drive through width in working position4 m
Min. working radius200 m at Ü ≤ 100 mm
Max. superelevation160 mm
Max. longitudinal gradient 15 ‰ bei R > 500 m
Swivelling capabilities of the track+/- 100 mm
Min. radius at shunting trip120 m
Min. radius at transfer trip150 m

Your contact partner

Jakob Laukert
(Head of department track construction machines)

Fourteen sleepers per minute is a level of performance that cannot be matched by comparable construction machines. The SUZW-500 is truly a giant, not only in terms of its size but also its power.

This is also good because the high work speed and the direct production of an installation subgrade make the machine the right choice in terms of efficiency; thanks to the guaranteed high level of quality, the new or renewed track system stands out thanks to lower dank maintenance costs.

+49 (0)4202 – 987-410

+49 (0)4202 – 987-100


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