Thanks to the RPMW 2002-2, we can make effective use of our track construction expertise – even in highly complex projects.
The integrated high-pressure water spraying system guarantees excellent quality when cleaning ballast.

RPMW 2002-2

The versatile one

At more than 140 metres long, almost 5 metres high and weighing about 560 tonnes, the track construction machine RPMW 2002-2 is one of the largest in the world. Due to its amazing output and the comprehensive performance range, it is an extremely important part of the Wiebe Group’s machine pool.

The recycling formation level improvement machine can perform a number of track construction tasks, with an overall motor output of in excess of 2400 kilowatts. This force is fully utilised in total reconstruction projects in which the RPMW 2002-2 carries out several work steps simultaneously: The soiled track bed is removed, the removed track bed material is treated, the ballast is recycled and the subgrade level is renewed.

Total mass in tonnes


Excavation chains

High-performance water spraying system

Cubic metre/hour excavation output

Metres/hour work output

2 excavation chains, 1 washing plant, 0 problems

The centrepiece of the work comprises the two excavation chains. They ensure that the ballast and soil can be removed and processed separately to prevent the two materials coming mixed. The RPMW 2002-2 also has a high-pressure washing system to treat the ballast and remove any residues and contamination. The track bed is first removed to a depth of 350 millimetres. It is even possible to renew the subgrade level up to a depth of 500.

The benefits at a glance

  • Ballast recycling and parallel renewal of the track bed
  • Comprehensive pre-cleaning and fine cleaning of the old ballast
  • Effective use even during short track possession periods
  • Integrated crusher to sharpen the old ballast
  • Savings on new ballast
  • Reduction of the transport and landfill costs

Technical data

Type of machineFormation level improvement machine with ballast recycling
ManufacturerPlasser & Theurer
Registration year2000
Total length over buffers140,90 m
Width3,29 m
Hight4,65 m
Mass560 t
Axles29Powered of those12
Permissible speed in train set100 km/hRun by itself20 km/h
Running radius120 m


Planable output110 m/h
Tooling times90 Min.
PSS installation400 mm at 5500 mm widthFSS installation500 mm at 5500 mm width
Min. working radius (at 160 mm superelevation)280 mTooling360 m
Max. inclination15 ‰ with 40 t attached load
Max. superelevation change+/- 100 mm
Swivelling capabilities+/- 500 mm
Ballast excavating chainGravel excavating chain
Excavation depthup to 1200 mm under SOExcavation depth700 mm under SO
Excavation width4050 - 5500 mmExcavation width4000 - 4600 mm
Output800 m³ (at total excavation)Output300 m³/h

Work steps connected to the ballast excavation chain

Picking up the top layer of ballast

The ballast excavation chain starts the work process by picking up the upper layer of ballast, the recyclable part of the old track bed. The clearing depths can be set precisely. This allows the formation level improvement machine to adapt to the various track systems and guarantees efficient removal of recyclable ballast.

The material is moved directly to the star screen within the machine.

Due to the fact that the material is moved directly within the machine, it goes straight to the star screen where the cohesive materials are removed from the ballast.

Separation of the cohesive materials with a high-pressure water spray system

A high-pressure water spray system on the RPMW 2002-2 is used to separate the cohesive materials to guarantee even better ballast cleaning results.

Separation of metal parts by the metal separator

Then the metal parts are removed via the metal separator, after which the cleaned ballast is sent to the crusher.

Ballast sharpening in the crusher

The material is sharpened with the crusher. The edges sharpened in this way guarantee that the individual ballast stones became wedged together into a stable track base.

Renewed screening with the vibration screen system

A free-swinging vibration screen system sieves the sharpened ballast stones again and separates them from small parts, which are then moved to the front of the machine together with the cuttings.

Transport to the tamping and ballasting machine

The cleaned and sharpened material is sent via the conveyor systems to the ballast installation units on the tamping and ballasting machine that then installs and distributes the recycled ballast as the lowest layer.

The Schopp-bar and tamping aggregate compact and stabilise the new ballast layer

The Schopp-bar compacts the newly installed ballast layer, whilst the integrated tamping aggregate stabilises it. New ballast is also carried in double-story MFS for the most important installation points and to avoid bottlenecks.

Work steps around the subgrade excavation chain

Picking up of the material
Once the ballast excavation chain has removed the ballast layer, the subgrade excavation chain picks up the remaining soil and track bed material through to the subgrade. This excavation chain can be steplessly adjusted to the required clearing width, clearing depth and incline of the formation level. Once again the conveyor systems transport the excavated material to the front of the machine where it is loaded onto the material conveyor and silo units.
Smoothing of the subgrades
The material for the formation level protective layer is moved to the work area by the integrated MFS units. If necessary, the conveyor belts also bring new ballast to the ballast installation area from the specially adapted MFS units. In addition to these processes within the machine train, the machine also continues to work on the soil, and the subgrade created in this way is smoothed using a special device.
Distribution of the material
A swivelling conveyor belt then evenly distributes the PSS material across the entire width. Distribution shafts assume the precise dosing of the recycled ballast. Other distribution units also install ballast specifically in the tamping zones. If necessary, the RPMW 2002-2 can also install a geotextile and hard foam frost protection boards before these processes.
Levelling and compaction
The levelling device then levels the installed material and six plate compactors compact the PSS material into a finished formation level protective layer. Plate compactors are also attached on the side for the shoulder. The final work step involves tamping below the track and measuring and recording the new track geometry by the measuring writing system.

Your contact partner

Jakob Laukert
(Head of department track machines)

The increase in rail traffic has lead to a steady increase in the demands made of track systems. Fortunately, the RPMW 2002-2 makes it very easy for us to keep pace with these developments.

In the case of comprehensive track construction and modernisation projects it is almost unimaginable today to use different machines for the individual work steps. For this reason, we fall back on the RPMW 2002-2 that picks up all the old material which is then processed and used to create a new formation level protective layer and a new ballast bed. A high-performance complete package.

+49 (0)4202 – 987-410

+49 (0)4202 – 987-100


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